What Husbands Need to Know About Menopause

I recently saw a couple in my office for a medical visit. The husband insisted on accompanying his wife, who was in her mid-50s, into the exam room because he wanted to make sure she relayed all of her symptoms and all the things that were going on in her life. He immediately commandeered the examination: “First of all, she just isn’t interested in having sex with me anymore, and she does everything that she can to avoid being intimate with me.” The wife put her head down in embarrassment.

I shifted the conversation to the patient and asked, “Have you noticed any significant changes in your behavior or the way you feel lately?” She launched into a lengthy list of symptoms: depression, severe hot flashes and night sweats, forgetfulness. She also reported waking up three to four times each night and lacking energy. Without a doubt I knew what she was dealing with — menopause.

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